
List of Services

Services F.A.Q. concluded 1 - 2 - 3

will move forward with the Design Development phase. During this phase, we perform an in depth building code review and begin selecting major structural systems, building systems, and construction materials. After this phase, we may again provide an updated cost estimate using more detailed breakdowns. Upon approval of the Design Development phase, we will moved forward with Construction Documents, which are the legal blueprint signed and sealed by Architects and Engineers which will be used to obtain permits and bids. Again after this phase, we may provide the owner with a detail cost estimate. Once these phases are completed, our Bidding services begin. We will assist the owner in advertising and bidding the project, which includes placing ads in local publications, printing multiple sets of construction documents and distributing these documents to qualified contractors. A bid date is set, and we will monitor and run the bidding process. After the receipt of bids, we will provide the owner with a


standardized contract to use in contracting with the builder. Once construction begins, our Construction Administration services begin. We will review submittals provided by the builder, visit the construction site to observe the progress and quality of the work and review pay applications to assure proper amounts are requested and lien waivers are provided. When the builder is complete with the project, our Project Close-Out services begin. We will organize and attend a project walk-thru during which we look at the completeness of the project and note any defective or incomplete items. A final list of corrective actions is generated a formal paperwork is provided allowing the owner to take occupancy of the space.