
List of Services

Frequently Asked Questions 1 - 2 - 3

Q: My business is growing and I need help deciding whether to build a new facility or expand our existing facility, how can you help?

A: For many of our clients, this has been a real concern. What we at Architechniques, Ltd. can do is help you, as a business owner, assess the feasibility of each of these paths. We can perform a feasibility study on your existing facilities, reviewing the existing infrastructure and function to determine the best path to expand. We can also perform a feasibility study for a new facility looking into location, function, workflow, future expansion and many other variables. As with all of our services we can provide you with an opinion of probable construction cost.

Q: Our waiting room, conference room and offices are beginning to look really dated; can you help us

update our look?

A: Our services also include interiors. We can assist you in updating your look with new flooring, wall covering, ceilings, lighting, cabinetry and furniture. Our staff would be happy to put together several schemes for your new look from which you can choose.

Q: I’ve heard of “Design/Build”, “Design/Bid/Build”, “Construction Management” and “Fast Tracking”, do you provide any of these services and could you explain the difference in these services?

A: Yes, we do offer portions of all these services. First, I need to state that we do not build or manage the construction; however we will work in conjunction with your builder or construction manger. In the “Design/Build” model the owner

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